Old Times - modules 2024

Select at least two modules and rank your choice when registering. 
At least five paying adult participants required for a module can be implemented.


Come and learn how to braid traditional baskets in willow with bark! Arrow grown for crafts is a delicious natural material with different properties that you learn about. We work with basic techniques where everyone can participate. You will make one or more round baskets with braided bottom and handles. Think for yourself what the basket is for — berries, mushrooms, firewood, pillows, yarn, gadgets and stuff to store. Everyone receives individual guidance. You can also braid an oval basket on a Catalan base that is fantastic as a mushroom basket or handbag. In addition, you can make a bird table and cones for plants. The arrow is bought on the course by the teacher who also has occasional willow braids for sale. If you have a thick awl, a good secateurs and a sharp knife, as well as a weight of 3-5 kg ​​at home, take it with you.
Leader: Miriam Göransson

 Making candles

Casting candles has been done for a long time and most of the time you meet many people who used to cast candles with their grandparents a long time ago but would like to do it again. nice candles, maybe to have before Advent. You will get to make your own candles to take home. A tip is to wear non-sore clothes in case there may be candle splashes before you get into the habit of handling the pouring in a good way.

Leader: Göran Andersson
light blocking 


Learn hot forging traditionally with hammer and anvil. We start from the beginning with the most basic techniques and throw a piece of jewelry and a hook. After that, the participants can themselves think about which direction they want so that everyone can throw on the level they themselves are. In previous years, everything has come from candlesticks and hasps to knife blades and pliers. Regular technical reviews are supplemented with personal supervision in form, function and craftsmanship. Include naked clothes in natural materials. Other equipment is available, but if you have your own safety goggles, hearing protection, gloves or tools, it is preferable.

Editorial: Gustav Thane, Habo


Welcome to a week in the wool world

A week in the world of wool, you have the opportunity to get the basics of felting everything from trying carding, felting, needle felting and embroidery. You also get the opportunity to try spinning the wool into yarn that you can then decorate your felted product with. Those of you who have basic knowledge of felting have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge by felting in 3D or take on another technique, e.g. try needle binding, crocheting, knitting or other yarn techniques. If you have any unfinished work lying around, please bring it and maybe we can complete the assignment, sometimes you get stuck or lose motivation, so bring what you have and we will put our wise heads together and try to solve it. Tools are on site, materials are available for purchase. Bring: aprons and two large towels if you have them.
Leader: Annica Myrén, Karlstad

play and create in wool

Farm fixer

If you do not find a suitable craft, but still want to experience the Community of Old Times. You instead make an effort Sandviken farm's future. You can build a playground equipment, repair, jogging paths, paint some of the houses, or make a trätrallgång. Maybe it will be an effort in the kitchen. 
You choose what and how much you want to do. For participants in the "Farm fixer" assumes, of course, no course fee, but the current board fee.

acrylic Painting

Painting with acrylic paint is exciting. This course is aimed both at you who have previously tried to paint with acrylic paint. But also to you who have never tested, but want to develop this interest during an inspiring summer week ..

Here technical and material knowledge of practical exercises takes place indoors - or if the weather permits, in the heat of summer summer ...

Unlike oil paints that have been in use for centuries, acrylic paint is a relatively new (1900 century) phenomenon in the color world. The strength of the acrylic paint is its flexibility, making it suitable for many different painting techniques. Acrylic paint is also water-based, making it easy to thin. This also eliminates the problems with health-friendly solvents that oil paints are often associated with
Leader: Tommy Bergström


Genealogy - how to get started (BEGINNING COURSE)

The family history is to travel in time.
You get to meet people who lived in centuries past and learn about places and environments that have long since disappeared. Your transport is the church books and other historical documents, are now readily available to anyone, directly in your PC via the Internet.
It is a journey, not kings or the history of warfare, but a journey of discovery in your own history. Who knows where you end up - perhaps in cottages or cabins palace, perhaps in rectories or circus tent.
Join us on a trip!
The course is aimed at beginners who want to get started with genealogy. Under expert guidance, it provides basic knowledge of how to start genealogy research, which books you will benefit from and which archives contain the information you are looking for. From the very beginning, you get to work practically with searching the archives with the help of a computer, which you have at your disposal throughout the course. Teacher-led teaching is interspersed with discussion and own practical work.
Archive Digital is mainly used as a database in addition to some other databases. You can buy the course book "The Road to Your Roots" (Ewa Nilsson) for about SEK 220. As a prior knowledge, you should have basic computer skills. After the course, you will have the opportunity to subscribe to ArkivDigital "All in one" 13 weeks at a reduced price.

If you have questions about the course, you are welcome to contact dough by phone 076 2502508 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Leader: Hans Olsson, Forshaga


Fresh wood 

A course for both beginners and the slightly more experienced, we start by talking about safety and different handles. Moves on to cut out substances from fresh wood, and then we go to the tent. There are many nice things to do here on everything from potato stick to spoons and many other things in between.
We try carving, colourising, using a soap horse and decorating our products.
If you have, please bring your own tools such as a knife, a spoon knife, a basket cutter and an ax. Otherwise, there are tools to borrow.
Maximum 8 participants fit in this group.

Jennie Almroth, Sunne


Emil & Ida

Children have their own morning assembly and proprietary activities when parents work with handicrafts. Sooner did the child's own toys of cones and other things they found. We try to create the kind of thing we find today, like toilet rolls, milk cartons or plastic toys. Bring some broken toys or other things that are not used anymore, so we will see what it can become.

Leader: Elias Tranefeldt, Sofia Tranefeldt and Birgitta Breitkreuz

Emil and Ida


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