Tips and advice:
Remember that ledbeskrivningen is made for the normal water level and water flow can vary widely and quickly.
Always, regardless of the water level, attentive at dams and power stations as they may be open. If you are unsure of how the water or the situation at a power station looks like, you are welcome to call us for more information.
When paddling on big water ...
it is good to remember that it is usually less windy in the morning and evening. Remain Never out on the water if you hear thunder! Paddle always close to land and use the life vest regardless of the weather.It may be that the lack of signage but if you just follow the map and ledbeskrivningen it should be no problem.
When you do land ...
you should think about going on the left side so that you meet the traffic. The roads are narrow - never go several canoes in width! Always paddle one canoe at a time in rivers and near power stations.All paddling is at your own risk!
You must yourself by studying the flight plan, weather conditions and water situation customize the tour according to your experience. Contact us if you have any questions!