2003 Winter 2002 - 2003 build cookhouse on and on. The entire old kitchen demolished and and floor are made of. An extension with basement undertake kitchen and office. Now the farm has received the cuisine of the business need.
2007 Winter 2006-2007 demolished entrance to the dining room and a completely new entrance is built. At last we have toilets adjacent to the canteen! The construction is performed by Gunnar Forestry building services and total cost than almost 1 million SEK.
2007 Thanks to the new entrance to the courtyard is now open for groups all year round and for the first time serving the farm Christmas dinner in December.
2008 receiving yard a will of some 1 million of Wille Karlsson, Edane
2009 Kitchen Building, entrance office and Staff Canteen previously heated by direct electricity is converted to water-rock heat.