confirmation Camp


We have arranged confirmation camps since 1960 - for over 60 years! Here we give you a memorable camp together with young people from all over Sweden, which may influence you for the rest of your life! At our confirmation camp, you get guidance in life's most important questions, can discover who Jesus is and decide whether he means anything to you. That there will also be some nice, fun and content-rich summer weeks, you get that in the bargain. We as leaders look forward to meeting you and creating a memorable summer together!

What do former confirmands remember from their confirmation camp?

- The Community and all the new people you get to meet and get to know.
- That there actually was such fun and the lessons and homework was not nearly as annoying as I thought.
- Evening Prayers, excursions, hikes and all the quirks!

Sandvikengården confirmation camp
Advice from an old confirmation:

- Sign up and was not afraid to go alone. You'll find new friends Sandvikengården!
- Go on confirmation camp is a fun experience that you will never forget!

Confirmation - what is it really?

Confirmation means confirmation and is about confirming one's baptism. In infant baptism, parents are asked if they want their child to be baptized into the Christian faith, and in confirmation, the confirmand is then asked to confirm his baptism and answer yes to God. If you have not been baptized since before, the opportunity for baptism will be available during the camp.


The leadership team consists of young people and adults from different parts of Sweden, several of whom have themselves been confirmed at Sandvikengården. A great group that plans and prepares so that you, as a confirmand, will have the best confirmation time possible. Having said that, we want to encourage you to take this opportunity, take with you questions and thoughts about life and Christian faith, and give God a chance.

What do we do during the confirmation camp?

Confirmation camp at Sandvikengåden Hajk

We want to give you as a confirmand the opportunity to discover who God is and to grow in faith in him. We have teaching about the Christian faith, devotions and services. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about life and faith such as - can God exist and what does it mean to me? Who is Jesus? Why did he die and rise again? What is important in this life? What is forgiveness and what is love?
We also want to build a good community through play, conversation, adventure, bathing and very good food. On the farm there are canoes as well as football and volleyball pitches, so sports and outdoor activities are also included. During the camp, we go on a joint canoe trip with an overnight stay in a tent or under the open sky.

What is required for me to be with?

We take up to 44 catechist, so be sure to sign up in time! To confirm you, you should fill in the year 15 years or more. The confirmation is the confirmation of your baptism, you are not already baptized, you will be able to do it during the camp.

ETUC Sandvikengården

is a camp that belongs to EFS, which is a missionary movement within the Church of Sweden. The farm is located by lake Värmeln in western Värmland and here we live in the two red houses Lägerstugan and Läsarstugan in two- to four-bed rooms. The confirmation teaching is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Church of Sweden and is a joint arrangement with Arvika pastorate.

Confirmation camp 2025 - register now!

If you are interested in confirming yourself in 2025, it is high time to register now. 


Detailed information for:

2025 years confirmation camp


For confirmation, the camp is a scholarship fund. The fund will make it possible for families with limited financial space to send well-motivated young people to the confirmation mode.

Registration confirmation camps

Preliminary notification to confirmation camp is often made years in advance, but there may still be places left during the winter before the course year. In the autumn, in August or September will be the first 40 preliminarily notified offered to confirm their registration. In connection with the definitive application also paid a registration fee, which is part of the course fee.
You can register for the confirmation camp via email, telephone or preferably directly here on our website.


Welcome to register!


  • The fee for the confirmation camp includes all activities, full board, study materials, excursions, leader's fees, etc.
  • The fee is subsidized by donations and by the so-called confirmation-clearing, a contribution from your home church
  • The fee after subsidy for the year 2025 is provisionally SEK 10
  • Of the fee, SEK 2 is paid in registration fee in connection with the definitive registration
  • At ev. 1 canceled last March, will be refunded half the registration fee. Those who for some reason stops the current course will receive no refund of the paid fee.
  • There is a scholarship fund for confirmation camp where participants can apply for grants. See opposite.

Confirmation camp - something completely different

Have you thought about Confirmation?
Then confirmation camp perhaps the best method!

camp Confirmation are different
camp Confirmation is - fun - we promise!
camp Confirmation is - Rewarding.

HikeWe work with the camp confirmation is not hard to see why our catechist is so pleased with his konfatid. Here we present a few reasons:
As confirmation camp on Sandvikengården you get, among other things:
• New friends from all over Sweden
• Committed, hand-picked and young leaders who truly believe in what they do.
• A whole month of intense fellowship, play and seriousness.
• Stay in a fantastic place with unique opportunities for canoeing, adventure and swimming.

Our catechist words year after year that they are after the course has matured and developed both personally, spiritually, creatively and socially, and many speak afterwards if confirmation camp as a "life investment".

On Sandvikengården we invest in theater, dance, music and creative activities and outdoor life, canoeing, sports, football and volleyball, as a complement to the confirmation teaching so that the teenagers get the most out of their time with us.


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