• Rum
  • Welcome!
    Welcome to Sandvikengården camp, hostels and canoe center. In the midst of the woods at Värmelns beach in western Värmland. We can offer a fantastic environment, without luxury but with consideration and esteem.
  • Against Sjon
Sun ... in mind. At last, the sun has reached us on Sandvikengården!

In recent days, a lot has happened here at the farm! We have traveled to Restenäs, outside Ljungskile, we have had a baptism and associated festivities the evening to end, and has now entered the camp last week. (We can respond much on many difficult issues, but where the time has gone, we unfortunately do not come on). 

On Saturday, the day after Love Day, we stowed all the confirmands in a bus and took them to Restenäs. Restenäs outside Ljungskile, and exercising an organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM), or Youth With A Mission (WYAM) as it is called in English, various Bible colleges and other courses. When we were there we got to meet some of the volunteers who work there and hearing their life stories, we got the opportunity to swim (and crabbing, and throwing jellyfish on leaders) and also help on the farm to work. The UMU all work voluntarily, without pay, and we wanted to take the opportunity to test - if only for one hour - going without himself getting something for it. We did lots of different stuff; trimmed windows, weeding, stroking laundry and stuff. A single hour where we worked, but it is about one week for a person. Troubled awesome to see how confirmands grabbed his duties, I'm really proud of them!

Yesterday we had the baptism of five of our beloved catechist. It was a really perfect weather for baptism (p), and it was so powerful to see how they specifically went into the water. Wow. As the party monsters we are, we completed dopfirandet with a really nice dopmiddag and fuldisco of vocal caliber. It's when you try to make themselves as ugly as possible, that you realize how good-looking you are. Currently frustrating, but afterwards a major revelation. 

We are now entering our last week together. It hit a low when and where to "about a week, we will not add any catechist anymore, but when they are in their own beds" or that "the specific Monday hymn we pray on Sept we will never ask you again to those counties." Menmen. We should not take out the sorrow in advance, so now we are focusing on making the fattest week Sandviken farm konfahistoria ever taken note of! 

Hugs and kisses!
Julia and the rest of the team leaders

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